MaidKouciana Wiki - Commands
Basic Overview
This page will be explaining how to use commands of the bot - both slash and Text Commands.
If you wish to view all commands, please look below.
Formatting - Text Commands
The prefix for all MaidKouciana Text Commands is mk.
e.g. mk.rng/0,5
Used for writing inputs - like string, or numbers
// The 0 and 5 here is used for the command RNG, which is used to get a random number between 2 numbers, so this will show a number between 0 and 5.
e.g. mk.8b.ratio
Used for seperating commands into subcommands
// The command is originally used for eightball, but as we added the .ratio, the command will be used for the eightball ratio feature.
Formatting - Slash Commands
The prefix for all slash commands is /
e.g. /rng [0] [5]
Used for writing inputs - like string, or numbers, this input is required for the command to run
// The 0 and 5 here is used for the command RNG, which is used to get a random number between 2 numbers, so this will show a number between 0 and 5.
e.g. /rng [0] [5] (2)
Used for writing inputs - like string, or numbers, this input is optional, unlike the one above
// The 2 here is used for the command RNG, which is used to get a random number between 2 numbers, and in this case it's used to get a random number with 2 decimal places.
e.g. /eightball ratio
Used for seperating commands into subcommands
// The command is originally used for eightball, but as we added the " ratio", the command will be used for the eightball ratio feature.