MaidKouciana Wiki - Legacy Commands

Colour Codes

The commands in this page will be colour coded for easier understanding, here's a demonstration below:


mk.rng/0, 5, 2

>> Prefix

>> Initial Command

>> Aliases

>> Subcommand

>> Required Input

>> Optional Input

Once you understand the colour code, feel free to check out the commands below!

Command List

Name Description Category
eightball (8ball/8b) Ask the bot a question, or commit ratio Fun
gethelp (gh) Get some advice, or get insulted Fun
rps Rock Paper Scissors, with the bot Fun
kacicode (kc) Convert text into KaciCode, or back Misc
ping Check out how the bot is doing Misc
rng Random number between 2 numbers Misc
temperature (temp) Convert temperature into other scales Misc

Fun Commands


Ask the eightball a question. You may rely on it, but we are not accountable for any consequences


Let the eightball decide on ratio or not. We are not accountable for any friends lost during the process


Let the bot give you an advice. You may rely on it, but we are not accountable for any consequences


Let the bot insult you. We are not accountable for any consequences, such as getting depression


Play Rock Paper Scissors with the bot. If you lose, skill issue

Misc Commands


Convert text to KaciCode or the other way around


Get the KaciCode character list

Check if the bot is doing fine or not

mk.rng/[min number], [max number], [decimal places]

Get a random number between a range of 2 numbers, up to 8 decimal places are supported


Convert temperature into other scales

Made by keishispl